Radically open Dialectical behavioral therapy


different than DBT?

Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RODBT) is an Evidence-Based Treatment created by Tom Lynch, originally trained and a partner within Marsha Linehan’s DBT Team. RO DBT particularly addresses social signaling deficits that inhibit connection which leads to emotional loneliness and is caused by what has been coined “over control.” Over control (OC) is targeting a spectrum of disorders characterized by excessive self-control.



Receptivity and Openness to new experience and disconfirming feedback in order to learn.

Flexible-control in order to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Intimacy and social-connectedness (with at least one other person) based on premises that species survival required capacities to form long-lasting bonds and work in groups or tribes

FLexible Mind skills

Skills for RO DBT are both organized and reinforced differently than standard DBT skills. Overall, RO DBT focuses on using self-inquiry and play to learn how to experience social safety. These skills focus on practicing Flexible Mind, a synthesis of Fatalistic and Fixed mind.

RO DBT uses individual and concurrent group therapy to effectively learn these new skills leading to radical openness.


RO DBT training is separate from Behavioral Tech and offered by Tom Lynch and his team. The training requires completing Levels 1-3, plus homework and must be completed fully to be considered an RO therapist. Ongoing supervision is recommended.


Great question! We’d love to talk to you more about the levels of care related to RODBT. Adherent RODBT is both individual therapy and group skills class so that you can practice as you learn with others! Our intake session is set up to see what we recommend will be the best fit for you.

What should I look for in an RODBT Therapist?

First, check to see their training level which you can find in the RODBT official database. Since RODBT is still relatively new, some therapists are just starting out. If they are not listed, you can ask about their current supervision and training. The most important thing is that they are on a Consultation Team, because we all need each other, even therapists.


What is the RO + DBT Program at ARC?

ARC offers the RO+DBT program to clients who are assessed for over-control and would be best supported by both individual therapy and skills class concurrently. The RO+DBT program offers ongoing skills support for clients using evidence based interventions for increased symptoms and a higher level of needed care.

Clinicians who work in the RO+DBT Program are trained at at least Level 2 RODBT trained and attend the ARC RO+DBT Consultation team for supervision and a team approach to treatment to support you or your loved one.